Saturday, January 2, 2010

Be eccentric!! But be good!!

MAN O Mystic ANimal!!

Sometimes, we wonder what makes man so special that he is beyond animals. Then we wonder what makes few men so special that he is beyond other men.

We all live in a society. Society based on country, society based on caste and religion, society based on the class and color, society based on our activities and so on. Even animals live in society. We have not understood the plants behavior yet, however they too live in groups, may be we call them as society? Basically what I mean to say here is that all of us live in a society. Society, which defines the common goals, rules, what to do and what not to...

With time, every one are completely obsessed with these rules and society. Many a times we are so much bound by the rules of society that we don't really see the other side of the truth. We are so much engulfed by these rules and bindings that we keep ourselves limited. We even stop or oppose the person going out of this box.

But if we read few pages in the past, we see many successful minds have come outside of this mindset, many broke the rules and many have even gone one step further by fighting against the rules of society. Their intention is good, but their thinking and actions are very different from what others do. We call them eccentric... out of mind! But It is this eccentricity which allows them to do what they want to do!!

Movie "3 idiots" is a very good example of this.

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